Lesson Plan (LBA)

The content of this post is an assessment under the course SKVB4033 Teaching of Literature in English, Pusat Pengajian Bahasa dan Linguistik, FSSK UKM.

Daily Lesson Plan – Teaching Reading

Form/Level                : Form 1/Advance
Period                         : 40 minutes
Subject                       : English Language
Lesson Components  : Literature (Poem – ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom)
Teaching Approach  : Language Based Approach (Vocabulary)
Teaching Objectives :
1. Students understand the meanings of difficult words in the poem
2. Students are able to match the words with their meanings

Steps in Teaching:

Pre-reading (Duration: 5 minutes)

The teacher shows two a video of school students reciting the poem ‘The River’. (please refer material 1)
To observe whether the students prepare themselves with reading contents from textbook before coming to the class.
The teacher asks the students how they would the word ‘river’.
To observe the students critical thinking when describing the word. Some students might only describe the word literally, and some students might describe figuratively.

While-reading (Duration: 30 minutes)

The teacher asks each student to take out their literature component textbook and turn to page 4.
To make sure that each student have their own material. Those who fail to do so must share with their friends.
The teacher gives each student a total of five minutes to read the poem ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom.
To ensure that the students grasp initial meaning of the poem as a whole.
The teacher writes down the following words on blackboard/whiteboard:

a)     ‘wanderer’
b)     ‘nomad’
c)     ‘tramp’
d)     ‘hoarder’
e)     ‘gurgles’
f)      ‘hums’
g)     ‘vexed’
h)     ‘gobbled’
To inform students that list of words that they will be learning in the lesson.
The teacher asks the students what is the possible meaning for each word by referring back to the text.
To give students some space to critically think what could possibly be the meaning of each words. Schemata and general knowledge plays a huge role in this process.
The teacher shows a short video of the poem along with photos as reference. (please refer material 2)
To give students a visual interpretation on the vocabularies given by the teacher.
The teacher writes the meaning of the word randomly (please refer material 3) on the blackboard/whiteboard.

The teacher then asks the students to match the words with their actual meaning.
To give the students some space to make a relation between the words and the meanings by referring back to the text and the video.

Students will be able to make connection between all information that they have gathered.

Post-reading (Duration: 5 minutes)

The teacher assigns each student to look for an article that is related to the new vocabulary learned in the classroom.
To train the students to use the content learned in classroom lesson out of the class.
Teacher will randomly choose any student to explain the content of their article.
To train the students to understand fully the content of the lesson.


Material 1
Video Title: "The River" by Valerie Bloom
Uploader: Vaymond Chong

Material 2:
Video Title: the river by Valerie Bloom
Uploader: Aniey Khairani

Material 3:
A person who moves from place to place and has no permanent home.
A member of a tribe that travels from place to place instead of living in one place all the time, usually in order to find grass for their animals.
Someone who has no home or job and moves from place to place, often asking for food or money.
A collection of things that someone hides somewhere, especially so they can use them later.
Flows along gently with a low sound.
To sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed.
Old-fashioned to make someone annoyed or worried.
To eat something very quickly especially in an impolite or greedy way.

Material 4:
Teaching/Lecture Slides
Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?rg6a2c7zzkm9iga

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