Lesson Plan (Aesthetic)

The content of this post is an assessment under the course SKVB4033 Teaching of Literature in English, Pusat Bahasa dan Linguistik FSSK UKM

Daily Lesson Plan- Teaching Reading.

Form/ Level                 
:  Form 4/ Advance
Period                            :  40 minutes
Subject                          :   English Language
Lesson Component      :   Literature (Poem- ‘The River’)
                                           by Valerie Bloom)
Teaching Approach     :   Aesthetic Approach
Teaching Objectives    :
1.      Students are able to identify the theme of the poem ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom.
2.      Students are able to identify what are the symbols which are referring to the poem.

Steps in Teaching:

Pre-reading (Duration: 5 minutes)

Before start the lesson, the teacher will paste two pictures on the white board then asks the students to guess what the setting of the place is. And they have to make comparison between the two pictures. (Please refer Material 1)
To initiate the beginning of the lesson by showing a picture as a material to stimulate their thinking to get the overview first. They able to make the comparison.
Then, the teacher will ask for any volunteers to share their answers to the classroom.
To allow the participation from the students in the classroom.

While-reading (Duration: 30 minutes)

For the first activity, the teacher asks the students to take out their Literature Textbook Component and turn to page 4.
Students are able to brainstorm the ideas by identifying what are the roles of the male and the female and their characteristics in the song video.
The students will be given 5 minutes to read the poem of ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom.
The teacher wants their students to understand the meaning of the poem from each stanza.
After read the poem, the teacher will ask the students to work in a pair of two and identify what is theme of the poem of ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom.
To allow the students to participate in the classroom and brainstorming ideas as a pair group.
Each pair needs to write down their answer on a piece of paper and select one of them to read their answer to the classroom.
To ensure the students are able to identify what is the theme of the novel ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom.
For the next activity, the teacher will distribute four pictures of symbols to the students (Please refer to Material 2) and identify what are symbols they are referring to the poem. Students need come out with their own answer.
To allow the students identify what are the meaning of the symbols which are taken from the poem.

Post- reading (Duration: 5 minutes)

The teacher wants to do on metaphor and also personification for the upcoming. Then the teacher assigns the students to find what the meaning of those elements is and also provide the examples as well.
To train the students to use the content learned in classroom lesson out of the class.
Each group need to present their answers by using a PowerPoint Slides in the next lesson.
To train the students to understand fully the content of the lesson.


Material 1

Beautiful river

Polluted river

Material 2

'Baby' symbolises something that is innocent thus creating an illusion that the river is harmless and not likely to create havoc.

'Monster' symbolises something that is destructive and can wreck the lives of people and the environment when it turns treacherous. 

'Hoarder' symbolises hiding or keeping something safe. We tend to keep close to our hearts the memories or things that are precious to us.

'Wanderer' symbolises constant change or lack of stability. Not having a place that is permanent can be a hindrance to a man who needs to have a goal or purpose in life.

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